Friday, August 19, 2011
SAARC & its Objective
SAARC or South Asian Association for Regional co-operation is an association that was conceptualized by seven south Asian countries with a view to foster co operation in social, cultural, technical, scientific, economic and other areas. The countries recognised the fact that for progress in all these areas, they will need each others' support and aid. Importance of friendly neighbourly relationship was understood and hence Saarc Came into existence in 1985. The countries that formed part of the founding Saarc group included Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. With the entry of Afghanistan in 2007, the number of members in the Saarc has gone upto eight.
Saarc Summits
The first Saarc Summit was held in Dhaka in 7-8 December in 1985 with Heads of seven countries attending it. From then onwards, every year the representatives of all countries meet up to further boost regional co operation. Till date seventeen Saarc summits have been held in destinations like Dhaka, Bangalore, Kathmandu, Islamabad, Male, Colombo and New Delhi.
Saarc – Areas of Co operations
The Saarc nations agreed co operation in following fields
Agriculture and Rural
Economic and Trade
Funding Mechanism
Human Resource Development
Information, Communication & Media
People to people Contact
Poverty Alleviation
Science & Technology
Security Aspects
Social development
Saarc Secretariat
The Secretariat of Saarc is located in Kathmandu. It was established in the year 1987 and since then it has monitored the activities of the association. The secretariat has a Secretary General, Eight Directors and the general service staffs. On 1st march 2011, Uz. Fathimath Dhiyana Saeed of the Republic of Maldive assumed charges as the tenth Secretary General of the Saarc.
Amongst the directors of Saarc are Azizuddin Ahmadzada Panjshiri, Tarique Muhammad, Pema. L Dorjee, Amrit Lugan, Ibrahim Zuhuree, Niranjan Bansyat, Ghulam Dastgir and R D Rajapakshe.
Saarc Charter Day
Every year, on December 8, SaarcCharter day is celebrated
Saarc Charter Bodies
Council of Ministers – Members of this body are the foreign ministers or external ministers of the eight countries. The body holds meetings twice in a year.
Standing committee – Members of this body are the foreign secretaries of the countries. It meets as often as required and reports to the council of Ministers.
Technical Committee – Representatives of specific areas from each countries form part of this body like there is a committee on agricultural development and another committee on science and technology.
Saarc Designated Decade and Years
Since 1991, each decade is designated for a specific cause, like 1991-2000 was declared the Saarc decade of Girl Child and 2001-2010 was declared the Saarc decade of the Rights of Child. Similarly, a particular is also picked up for a special cause like 2007 was the year of Green South Asia Year and 2006 was the South Asia Tourism year.

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